Tag Archives: Days of Future Past

Marvel Universe: Blink (X-Men: Days of Future Past)


The Marvel Cinematic Universe (and its peripheral relatives from Fox and Sony and so on) is always rife with customization possibilities. It’s gotten so that the main problem is no longer a lack of ideas but a lack of good base bodies, although there’s been some luck in that area.

Take, for instance, Blink from X-Men: Days of Future Past. I’d been reluctant to see yet another X-Men film after the underwhelming wrap-uyp to the main trilogy and a pair of Wolverine films, the first being hilariously bad and the second being Just There (with bonus points for being set in JApan because, well, who doesn’t love seeing Japan). But the trailers, character selection, and promise of an intriguing story executed by Singer got me to the theater, and it was all for the best.



Blink was an immediate lock for a custom as soon as I could put together a recipe, and after looking at a few other customs and cherrypicking the best ideas from them — and thinking of a few of my own — it was time. Her head and skirt are GI Joe parts (Pilot Scarlett and Serpentor), with the base body being Yet Another Use of the Movie Black Widow Base. What can I say, it’s an effective canvas for just about any need — and my longtime Hasbro toyline collecting has taught me how to make the most of a single mold with various color schemes and occasional selective “retooling”. In this case the “retooling” in question was to add some of the gold panels to her shoulder and arms, as well as a collar and a slightly different texture to the top of the bodysuit. The Pilot Scarlett head received some extra locks of hair, among them a ponytail cut from an Avatar figure. Finally, the teleport-energy (IIRC — correct me, fellow nerds?) dagger is, if memory serves, repainted from one of the Thor Movie toyline Loki’s dagger weapons.


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